Welcome to the Clanwilliam South Africa Information pages for Visitors! Here you can find Accommodation, local Restaurants and businesses, Outdoor Activities, Information on our area - the Cederberg Mountains, the West Coast or the annual Wild flower splendour of Namaqualand.
Enjoy the beauty and unique character of this part of the Western Cape
For more information contact us on 027 482 2024 or e-mail
Contact Louise Nortje 066 205 2382
Velskoendraai is situated right at the entrance to Clanwilliam. Our menu is affordable and innovative and we use mainly fresh produce that is in season & what is available locally.
Contact A van Wyk 027 482 2120
Augsburg Landbou Gimnasium met uitmuntende fisiese geriewe, benut deur goed gekwalifiseerde en toegewyde personeellede waar akademiese vordering hoe voorkeur geniet. Dit word aangevul deur 'n sinvolle buitemuurse program wat strek vanaf die kultureel-geestelike tot sportbeoefening op verskeie vlakke.
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